Greetings, I enjoy making animations, mostly SFM related. I want to make a career out of entertaining, either through animation or just about anything. I have always enjoyed creating stuff, no matter what it meant, be it animation or music or even game design.
I started out with Garrys Mod and now I mainly focus on Source Filmmaker material, but I also experiment other methods. For example, I also toy around with 2D animation every now and then when I feel like it. I enjoy creating all kinds of material, and I hope to that I can keep doing it for as long as I live.
If you need to contact me, the best way to reach me is either on Youtube or Twitter. Though I might not get back to you immediately, youtube has a way of not really telling you when you received a message through your inbox. So your best bet is probably to contact me on twitter.
Shared 1 month ago