We use 3D printing and Arduino to create creative content. We support Makers around the world who pursue the joy and value of creation.[ Blog ]blog.naver.com/3dfuns우리는 3D 프린트와 아두이노를 활용해서 창의적인 콘텐츠를 만들고있습니다. 창작의 즐거움과 가치를 추구하는 전세계 메이커스를 응원합니다.
3 videos
18 videos
Arduino content made in 3D printing
2 videos
Fusion360 3D Modeling - Back Horn Speaker
8 videos
Fusion360 3D Modeling - Armored car[6WD]
6 videos
Fusion360 3D Modeling - 7 Segment LED Clock
Fusion360_3D Modeling_Mecanum wheel RC car
Fusion 360_3D Modeling_Hubless Bike
카드 교체형 코딩교육 키트 '메탈큐브'
5 videos
Fusion 360_3D Modeling_Lighting Farm
24 videos
Fusion 360 3d modeling _ Mini RC Loader
7 videos
Fusion 360 3d modeling _ Mini Car I
3D Printed mini RC_Skid Loader