Phillip McCordall

Photographic tutorials and lessons on all aspects of photography, from the beginner to the expert photographer . These free video tutorials on all subjects, concerning the art of photography, are designed to help anyone wanting to improve their photographic level.

Tutorials for those beginning in photography are mixed with photography tutorials for the advanced photographer. All presented with an easy too watch touch of humour.

Phillip McCordall has many years of experience as an advertising photographer Having 3 worldwide Clio awards and many national and European awards.

His expertise makes it easy and fun to learn the tricks that any photographer loves to know whether he's a beginner in photography or expert photographer.

Over 130 tutorials and more on the way, include titles like : lenses for beginners, flash for beginners , studio car photography, getting the correct exposure, composition, etc.etc.etc. So look and learn photography from one of the best there is.