Hello my YouTube peoples! My channel is a mix-mash of what is me. From the music, outdoors, games and random bits. I attend less psytrance festivals these days as I plan to now only visit ones that have meaning to me or the roots of the scene. For gaming - I'm all over! My favorite games have mostly been covered all over YT. Randoms bits and bobs of current games will grace this channel. I've finally finished my Syndicate guide early into 2017! Much of my gaming video focus now takes place on a 2nd channel shared with friends. A Co-op/Multiplayer focus which is linked below - Co-op Equals Friendship. A lot of hard work goes into that and I hope you can enjoy, too.
I'd like to thank everyone who likes what I have uploaded and posted their comments. I try to comment back as much as I can or have something to say. 8)

Stay awesome and be beautiful doing so! 8)
-Matt K-BAN