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1 month ago | [YT] | 536


When I go down my timeline I’m so grateful for my tribe. The kind comments, well wishes and motivation you send me is unmatched. It is rare to find people who support you and sincerely want to see you win. I have that in you. Y’all even get my sense of humor. Thank you so much for the love. I’ll always be grateful for your beautiful spirits.

1 month ago | [YT] | 305


Losing weight and keeping it off takes physical and emotional work. Sure, if I
stop eating, I will lose weight, but if I don't heal the root cause, will the weight stay off? For those who are seeking a lifestyle change. Take your time and heal. As you deal with your physical self, go within and deal with whatever is eating you. Call on Jesus and ask for his help. He is a healer. He took all of our stripes on the cross.

2 months ago | [YT] | 750


Labels can be so confusing. I say I’m plant based because I don’t want to give up honey. I occasionally eat eggs and cheese. So would I be called a vegetarian or plant based? What do you think?

2 months ago | [YT] | 31


When I see the horrible things that take place in this world, I often wonder what can I do to change this. I used to feel helpless. Then, one day, I remembered to pray.. not just say it, but actually pray and believe the word of God. Then I remembered some of us have trouble getting our prayers through.

The word of God says in 2nd Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

If you haven't already, please strengthen your relationship with God so I'm not praying alone. The prayers of the righteous avail much.

2 months ago | [YT] | 1,022


When you truly dedicate your life to Christ, sometimes the enemy will disguise himself as a believer. Just like Satan, they will accuse you of not being Godly enough. Accusers of the brethren.... If they're not accusing, they're perverting the word or doppelganging you in an attempt to hide their evil behind goodness. But I offer myself to prayer. "Every day they wrest my words: All their thoughts are against me for evil." "When I cry unto thee, then shall my enemies turn back. This I know because God is for me." Psalm 56

3 months ago | [YT] | 890


Checking in: We’re okay! We just got power, this afternoon. Praying for everyone affected and still waiting for power. Please pray for Houston. This is the second natural disaster in the space of two months. God bless.

3 months ago | [YT] | 90


God is bringing us together like never before in America. A white teacher once asked my mother (a black teacher), what can we do to change relationships between the races? My Mother answered “by telling truth.” She said, “there is a lie that says if you are white you automatically have a better life. “Look around homeless has no color..” We have to teach love and compassion for ourselves and others.” “Prejudice is what people use to avoid solutions because facing real problems makes them feel way too small.”

4 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 951


From the moment we arrive the enemy seeks to detour Gods people away from their mission. First the enemy attempts to convince us that somethings wrong with us and we need to change. And when you feel good enough the world tries to bring you down with comparisons. When we choose to just trust God the enemy finds a way to mock our praise. The Lord sees and knows all. He created you and the world needs what you have. So don’t shrink back but instead make the enemy furious by letting your light shine. And as for the enemy, he is already defeated.

4 months ago | [YT] | 795


My first pair of Cowboy Boots yall.💐
🥰😍I’m in love!

6 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 937