My name is Alison and I'm a professional musician, performer and teacher based in Norfolk, United Kingdom.
I create free piano & violin video tutorials with free sheet music to accompany most of my videos as well as other videos about techniques and just about anything else you can think of!
I have created and written downloadable and affordable tutorial books that guarantee to teach you to play the piano & violin. You can check out my shore here: www.amsmusicshop.com/
Some of my most popular videos are:
‘1-30 Violin Course’ free videos: bit.ly/2jjeCfX
‘1-30 Violin Course books: bit.ly/2V3MPle
‘1-40 Piano Course’ free videos: bit.ly/2sNVqJV
‘1-40 Piano Course books: bit.ly/3ciQHok
Where can you find me?
- My members-only website community: www.onlineviolintutor.com/
- My online music shop: www.amsmusicshop.com/