In my channel you'll find soundtracks to computer games and movies which weren't already posted on YouTube respectivley are hard to find on the internet. At least i'll try to handle it this way. Thanks for stopping by!
42 videos
Phantasmagoria 2: A Puzzle of Flesh Soundtrack
73 videos
7 videos
NBA Jam Tournament Edition Soundtrack
6 videos
Knights of Xentar Soundtrack
2 videos
Brutal Sports Football Soundtrack
30 videos
Gazillionaire Deluxe Soundtrack
33 videos
Leisure Suit Larry 8: Magna cum Laude Soundtrack
24 videos
Ecstatica Soundtrack
28 videos
Blade Runner Game Soundtrack
13 videos
Freeway Soundtrack
39 videos
Rogue Trooper Soundtrack
Judge Dredd vs. Death Soundtrack
The Witcher Soundtrack
Hired Team Trial Soundtrack