Running For My Best Life

Living My Best Life through Running

After many years as an alcoholic due to a traumatic childhood, I turned my life around. A few years later, I completed my first marathon at the age of 40! It was hard, tough, and grueling! But, at the same time, a very rewarding experience that led to helping me live my best life through my passion for running. It has not only provided me with immense personal joy but has also helped me give back to my community through the non-profit my wife and I own called Run for Grace, Inc. My life is drastically different from not only my childhood, but my earlier adult years, and for that, I am incredibly grateful.

I use running as a platform to not only share my journey through life, but to help inspire others to run for their best life by sharing my running experiences, gear reviews, and any running tips I have learned. If this sounds good to you, please consider subscribing.

And remember, keep Running For Your Best Life!
