For lovers of the story and world building behind your favorite games, True Masters & Morons brings you both deep dives and broader summaries on the people, histories and events from both treasured classics and more currently trending games.
213 videos
True Masters and Morons: Lore
True Masters and Morons
3 videos
Destiny Lore
4 videos
BlazBlue Lore
17 videos
Dragon Age Lore
6 videos
Halo Lore
8 videos
Warhammer 40K Lore
45 videos
TM&M Play: Doom Eternal
15 videos
Cyberpunk 2077
25 videos
TM&M Play: Horizon Zero Dawn
600 videos
True Masters and Morons: Let's Plays
50 videos
Pokémon Shield Nuzlocke
31 videos
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
10 videos
Mass Effect Lore
121 videos
TM&M Play: Random Let's plays
Kingdom Hearts Lore
34 videos
Darksiders Lore
55 videos
TM&M Play: Vampyr
28 videos
TM&M Play: Darksiders Genesis
64 videos
TM&M Play: Kingdom Hearts 3
-1 video
April Fool's Videos
9 videos
TM&M Play: Inside
TM&M Stream Assassin's Creed Odyssey
23 videos
TM&M Play: DOOM(2016)
32 videos
TM&M Play: Darksiders 3
TM&M Play: Diablo 3 Hardcore
46 videos
TM&M Play: Darksiders 2
48 videos
TM&M Play: Dragon's Dogma (DDDA)
12 videos
TM&M: Play Divinity Original Sin 2
TM&M Presents Mario Party
43 videos
TM&M Play: Divinity: Original Sin