On this channel I will talk about my dog of the Alabai breed, whose name is Tracy. Features of the character of the alabai, interesting moments from the life of the Alabai. Tracey and I spend all summer at the dacha, which means there will be videos about growing seedlings and plants on our site. Including the cultivation of watermelons and melons in the Moscow region. I have been growing watermelons for 6 years now and knowledge that I can share with my viewers. Vaccination of Watermelons on lagenaria in various ways, growing lagenaria, planting Watermelons in the garden and in the greenhouse, growing Watermelons in the Moscow region. I have a hobby - needlework. How to sew a rug, slippers and a patchwork quilt. Patchwork - Patchwork is another of my hobbies. How to sew different patchwork blocks, Patchwork block patterns, Patchwork for beginners, Life hacks and sewing secrets - all this is on my channel. Bonus food preparation.
To contact me: don_pedro2@mail.ru
Shared 55 years ago
Shared 55 years ago
Shared 55 years ago