Cartoon Comedy Roasting Religion
Nothing is Sacred. Question Everything.

I don't address religion because of God; I address it because of the people who believe in God. I don't want them to believe in a fantasy. I want them to believe what is true. If most of the world believed in Harry Potter and based life decisions - that affect everyone - on that belief, then I'd spend my time addressing Harry Potter. I don't know if a god exists, but I do KNOW the Abrahamic God doesn't exist, for He is an illogical concept, rife with contradiction - a square circle of loving wrath, known to have gone through an evolution as He was compiled by the ancients throughout history.

This channel has always been mainly about criticism of religious ideas. I neither support nor condone the oppression of anybody because of their religion. People should be able to freely practice their religion as long as doing so does not entail infringing upon the rights of others.

I am also known as DarkAntics.


I finally have access to the internet again and this is my first opportunity to post anything. We were without power since the storm knocked down our power lines. Repair crews were out today, and we were one of the lucky ones to get power back just now. Could’ve been a lot worse. I spent yesterday cleaning debris out of the yard. We live in the woods, so there was a lot. I think being surrounded by woods helps shield us from the wind. The house seems fine. The worst of it for us was losing all the food in our fridge and freezer, so we’re very relieved. My theory is that Yahweh didn’t want to incur my wrath.

Thank you for all the well wishes. They meant a lot to me.

1 week ago | [YT] | 4,895


Hurricane Milton is headed right for us. The highway is totally clogged, so people are trying to cut through our town, and they ended up clogging it too. I took side streets home, but even those were super busy. They bought all the food, water, and gas. I talked to some of the evacuees, and they said the nearest hotel vacancy they could find was in Georgia, over 300 miles away. We don't really have anywhere to go, nor could we go even if we wanted to. Probably just get stranded somewhere. We've been through a lot of hurricanes, two really bad ones. But people around here are acting like it's a full-on zombie apocalypse right now. I guess they're pretty scared after seeing what the last one did, understandably so. Tomorrow is my birthday, so this is a fine present lol. We'll see what happens. If you don't hear from me by Friday, then either I didn't make it, or I don't have internet access. Either way, I won't be able to post videos for a while if we're hit hard. I'll keep you posted.

2 weeks ago | [YT] | 3,813


I made a video that is going live tomorrow at noon and for some people it will be my most important video ever. It’s called “How You Devalue Your Own Life”. I’m not sure it will do well in terms of popularity, but I am sure that some people out there need to hear it, and if it helps at least one of them, then the effort was worthwhile. I toiled over the edit and then showed it to someone I care about very much. It made her cry. That was when I knew it was effective. My job was done. If any of you need this video, I hope it finds you well and that you heed it.

3 weeks ago | [YT] | 2,339


The belief that salvation is gained through faith in Jesus Christ is probably the most immoral belief system ever devised. It favors neither good nor evil, but gullibility. Under this system, the murdering pedophile can spend eternity in heaven, while a non-believing grandmother, who never hurt anyone, can spend that same eternity in hell. The difference? One was convinced a religion in a sea of religions was true, and the other was not. And how will this murdering pedophile be forgiven? Simply by accepting that a perfectly innocent man was brutally tortured and killed on his behalf. Because of that, the pedophile can escape accountability for the horrors he committed. To believe that the very source of morality created this system is to prove beyond the shadow of any doubt that your moral compass is broken, and that what matters most to you is not goodness, but self-preservation.

2 months ago | [YT] | 4,221


Debate: God VS Satan
That's the animation I'm working on right now. The one I was working on before that was a debate between Trump VS Biden, but for obvious reasons I'm abandoning it (good thing too, because it probably would've gotten me cancelled by both sides lol). What other debates would you like to see? Could be anybody. It's animation. Sky's the limit. If I get some good suggestions, maybe I could start a whole series of animated debates.

2 months ago | [YT] | 1,290


I made this animation 12 years ago, so it CAN'T POSSIBLY have anything to do with recent events...

3 months ago | [YT] | 515


I have a really great video coming out later today. It's called "Why You Can't Have a Relationship with God" and not only do I think it provides a very strong argument, but it's also very beautiful as well. I would put it in my top 10. Keep an eye out for it. It's scheduled to come out at noon EST, about 11 hours from this post.

5 months ago | [YT] | 1,859