Backyard KY Homestead

Gardening, cooking, and food preservation on a suburban 1/4 acre homestead in KY.

Welcome to my Backyard KY Homestead. While I live in the suburbs instead of a sprawling farm, there's still so much that can be done to make my family more self-reliant. We can't do it all, but with the help of local shops, farmers and markets, we can work together to fill in the gaps to have a sustainable supply of quality food that doesn't cost a lot. Whether you live in a small apartment or have acreage, there are so many options to explore. We just need a little creativity to find our path. There is no one vision or one right answer. We can all have a version of homesteading that fits our circumstances. I'd welcome you to subscribe and join us as we continue on our path to more self-reliance.