My name is Marsha, and welcome to my channel! As you can probably tell, I love to play piano. And I have no one else but my parents to thank for encouraging me when I was young to KEEP AT IT, despite my endless pleas to let me quit. :)
Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of you who have subscribed, or left comments. I only hope that you enjoy listening to my covers as much as I enjoy reading all of your wonderful messages. :)
My Twitter: twitter.com/cdnchuchu
Other random facts:
- I was born and raised in Vancouver BC (and will be volunteering at the 2010 Olympic Games!)
- I also love to play guitar
- I majored in Finance and currently work for an investment firm
- I'm a huge fan of the Vancouver Canucks!
This site is dedicated to my Mom, who lost her battle with heart disease in 2008. Although I miss her dearly, I have great comfort in knowing that she is up in Heaven with my Lord and Savior. I love you, Mom.