Brian of Holcombe

Maritime Extravaganza for sea shanties, pirates, sailors, folk singers and festival goers.
In association with The Shantymen of Devon Facebook group:
Authentic images from the past and present. Focus on living history and tradition.
A project with a mission to encourage and support the singing of se shanties.

Exciting Collection of acoustic and accompanied songs, videos of live events and sessions. Educational and vintage footage of the age of sail. Military and emigration and trading events.

Combines re-enactment with singing.

Full of great nautical images of ships, sailors and of course plenty of stiring muscle power traditional songs.
Includes images from the World wide Sea shanty Brother and Sisterhood and Pirate Brethren.

Expert and varied selection from around the seven seas.
Uploaded by Brian Of Holcombe

The Shantymen of Devon Facebook group

+ The Shanty Academy