Onda Web Radio TV

Onda Web Radio was born on 1 October 2015 under the direction of Francesco Palmieri and Rosanna Bennardo. The physical headquarters of the Neapolitan broadcaster is located in Pianura, in Strada Comunale Grottole, where the House of Culture and Youth stands. Officially sponsored by the municipality of Naples. "We give voice to those who have no voice" is the slogan that this broadcaster proudly transmits, entrusting the management of a great variety of programs to young people with a passion for radio. In the first year of its life, Onda Web Radio managed to reach every corner of the world, counting plays even outside the European continent and collecting a considerable amount of consensus and appreciation especially from the major Italian artists, many of whom were guests and, all 'today, they often visit the radio studios in the House of Culture where they are always greeted warmly.