My work encompasses art in many forms, from parkour, dance, photography, music, movement and improvisation, wrapped in a love of nature and the outdoors. I also spend a significant amount of my time writing, but that's another story.

Due to the breadth of my interests I often struggle to describe myself or my work in a way that I feel does justice to the central themes and motivations while remaining within designated word count restrictions, without sounding like a list of bullet points.

I am an artist by nature; a generalist and eternal student. I believe in the importance of developing strong intrinsic motivations, self-reliance, and a balance between the needs for expression and stimulation, both mental and physical. To that end, and to reflect the last 20 years of my training, I begun conceptualising a theory of non-martial arts, to capture the spirit of traditional martial arts within a creative framework that involves improvisation, exploration, and strength and conditioning.