The Kelowna Pacific was a Shortline Railroad Operator in the North Okanagan/Kamloops region of British Columbia, Canada. It operated in mostly rural farmland: through hay-fields, ranches, and forested territory, It had a rustic and laid back feel, especially since it was restricted to 10 MPH on its mainline.
Owned by Knighthawk Rail, and operated on mostly CN trackage and some CP, it carried resource economy loads such as lumber, poles, and chips, as well as scrap metal, grain, and some chemical and propane shipments. An easy railway to chase and photograph/video, as it moved at a leisurely pace and had lots of good highway access to scenic spots.
Unfortunately the parent company allowed the KPR to go bankrupt, and regular operations ceased in July of 2013, with mop-up movements throughout August, some of which are documented here.
Thankfully CN invested hugely in rehabilitation of the line, and now operates tri-weekly freights to and from Vernon and the North Okanagan.