Hello. How are you? Hmm,your eyes are nice.

I make videos on the Internet because it makes me feel like I'm doing something with my life.

Here you may find out things about yourself that you have never known, deep feelings that have been locked away in the deepest darkest recesses of your bodily fluids that will become more and more apparent as they spew out while you browse through this historically significant channel, you will realize the meaning of life, the purpose of your stay on earth. Or not.

I hope you enjoy your stay! There's something here for everyone (or no one considering the type of person you are)

Feel free to get in contact with me through any of the links below. I also take requests, so if there's a video you'd like to see, feel free to scream at me in the face until I do it!

PSN ID: KeithBandicootNG

Skype: keithealy1

Email:(yes it's down below,but if you hate typing security codes here it is) keithealy1@gmail.com


Shared 55 years ago



Shared 55 years ago