Song of the Bride

I have been a follower of Jesus for 63 years. I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit in 1984 and my heart commitment to Jesus deepened ever further as I came to know Him as my exclusive Teacher, Counselor, Healer, and Friend.

I have experienced severe trials of faith and have always found the Lord to be faithful. The Lord has taught me much about faith and walking deeply with Jesus. I share many of those things here on my channel. I don't receive those who come with a different gospel but share with those of like mind and sincere hearts.

Throughout my life I've encountered many wolves in sheep's clothing, "false brethren", and I expose them here and elsewhere as the Lord directs me to do.

Also, since I was a young child I've loved to play the piano to Jesus. After playing piano professionally most of my life, my favorite times are always when in quietness to the Lord He gives me brand new melodies interwoven with "old" ones, and I share those times here as well.