Dear Viewers,
Hon.Prof.Ashok Kotangle,Sr Counsel and,his team welcomes you to our channel ...and is grateful for your support and precious love ...Here you will find the Information and teachings of Law By Hon.Prof.Ashok Kotangle , Sr.Counsel.Hon.Prof. Ashok Kotangle, Sr.Counsel
has made this channel for the students and people who are studying Law.As you seen here... then you must give your precious time to our contents. And don”t forget to ‖ SUBSCRIBE LIKE and Share...... ‖
Thanks to this people to grow our channel :- Mr.Merwyn Nazreth Ms.Bhavana Vardhana
My lovingly son Master Samrat Kotangle And Malevours Sapphire
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1stJuly 100subscribers
31st December 500
17thApril 1k
31stDecember 50k
17thApril 100k
31stDecember 400k
17thApril 500k
31st December I Million subscribers
Thank you may Buddha Bless ❤️...