Luther Marsh Organics

A 100 Acre Permaculture Farm and Nursery located in Damascus, Ontario. Run by two brothers Nick (30) and Taylor (29) - Check us out on instagram @LutherMarshOrganics

A farm purchased by our father in 1980, enjoyed on weekends with family to escape the city, eventually moving here full time. My brother and I planted many trees with him throughout the years but only recently dove into the realm of fruit and nut farming. We have many plans for expansion; vegetables, mushrooms, eggs, and pasture raised animals. With 65 acres of pristine pasture (Timothy,Trefoil,Alfalfa) and 35 acres of cedar forest, we have a lot of possibilities.

Some of the fruit and nut trees we are growing are; Seabuckthorn/Seaberry, Haskaps, Hazelnuts, Heartnuts, Aronia, Elderberry, Hazelnuts, Currants, Chestnuts, Tart Cherries, Mulberries, American Plums, Kiwi Berries, and Paw Paws! Trees can be quite expensive so we are slowly adding to our stock every year!


Shared 55 years ago