In using this platform, my objective is to provide commentary and thereby share my experiences, thoughts and opinions about all things African.

Dga Oya Maat

Congratulations Team USA (Credit @ News 4 New York)

2 months ago | [YT] | 0

Dga Oya Maat

A tisket A tasket…..🥱

3 months ago | [YT] | 0

Dga Oya Maat

This horse teeth trend is unbelievable. People are willingly causing permanent damage to their teeth. Many regret having the procedure and have no clue the end result as they age will be dentures. Ain’t nothing like your own.

3 months ago | [YT] | 0

Dga Oya Maat

I can only imagine what the bathrooms smell like.

3 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 0

Dga Oya Maat

I wonder what took Biden so long to realize he was too old, tired, sick and weak to be the face of this nation. Kamala is not fit either. She needs to find Hilary and sit her self down somewhere too. No more puppets!

3 months ago | [YT] | 0

Dga Oya Maat

About time! Good bye. You won’t be missed 🤡

3 months ago | [YT] | 0

Dga Oya Maat

Hispanic soccer fans storm the entrance of Hard Rock Stadium to enter the event. Many without paying for tickets. This is what happens when people are allowed to enter the country illegally without penalty. They have the idea it’s acceptable to invade other public and private spaces without consequence. They also destroyed stadium property. This is a disgusting shame!

3 months ago | [YT] | 0

Dga Oya Maat

This dog and pony show is getting worse day by day.

3 months ago | [YT] | 1

Dga Oya Maat

According to scientists Florida will someday be under water. It won’t happen suddenly though and surely not in our lifetime. In many cities throughout the state flooding is becoming a major issue. People are abandoning coastal homes seeking higher ground which will only help momentarily because after all, the state is at sea level.

Quick fact…did you know Miami Beach is a man made island built up with sand ? It use to be a mangrove swamp. Human invention created a man made island and man made beach that brings tourists from all over the world to enjoy until it’s washed away like the city of Atlantis.

4 months ago | [YT] | 0