7 videos
Mathew R
2 videos
Introduction to Mari - 6 Parts
Creating a Virtual Production Pipeline
8 videos
Python for Maya Notes
5 videos
Intro to Python for Maya
4 videos
Procedural Rendering Recipes for Maya and Arnold
-1 video
Lego Automaton
3 videos
Python for Maya: Custom UIs and Fixing Textures
Motion Capture and Maya
Multipass AOV Arnold Rendering in Maya 2018 for VFX Compositing
Nuke Cleanup Using Camera Projection
Matchmoving in Maya
Projecting and Mapping Textures in Maya
A Tour of Polygon Modelling in Maya
Camera Tracking Vids
Creating HDRI Probes for Image Based Lighting
9 videos
Nuke Camera Tracking and 3D Compositing
10 videos
Creating Mattes Using Camera Projection in Maya and Nuke
UV Mapping in Maya
History of Interaction
Python Scripting In Nuke
Camera Tracking Matchmover