Just a guy who likes to play games. Mainly focus on Zelda games and occasionally whatever other games I'm currently interested in.
2 videos
Dark Souls 1 Challenge Runs
3 videos
Best and Worst Games of the Year
8 videos
Just for Fun
30 videos
Echoes of Wisdom Playthrough
5 videos
Video Game Reviews
10 videos
Minish Cap Playthrough
21 videos
Twilight Princess Playthrough
-1 video
Special Zelda Videos
17 videos
Spirit Tracks Playthrough
38 videos
Ocarina of Time RANDOMIZER
7 videos
Pokemon Platinum Playthrough
11 videos
Majora's Mask Glitch Tutorials (Shorts)
13 videos
Phantom Hourglass Playthrough
28 videos
Ocarina of Time Glitch Tutorials (Shorts)
Misc. Ocarina of Time vids
12 videos
Majora's Mask Playthrough
OoT Rando Dungeon Tips and Tricks
Ocarina of Time Glitch Tutorials
Final Fantasy XIV Guides
Tier List type content
15 videos
AI Stuff
Genshin Impact Stuff
Anime Related Videos
Klonoa: Door To Phantomile
6 videos
Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood Raid - Omega
Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
Final Fantasy XIV - Alt Character
Final Fantasy XIV: ARR Raid - Coils of Bahamut
9 videos
The Legend of Zelda Playthrough