Welcome to my channel, Fit Fam!
First things first, let's get to know the basics about me! My name is Sidney... I'm a Leo, fluent in Swedish, and a gym junkie! I am based in Arizona, but love traveling! I have an adorable Pomeranian named Toastie, 2 Australian Shepards Named Bear & Chip.
❤ Let's Talk! ✉
My Free OnlyFans: onlyfans.com/xxxfitsid/c418
My VIP OnlyFans: onlyfans.com/fitsid/c12
Snapchat Me? @simplysidneyxo
Instagram: @stalkingsidney www.instagram.com/stalkingsidney
Fitness Instagram: @fit.sid www.instagram.com/fit.sid
My Fitness Pal: fitsidney
💌Want to Surprise me with a gift?
Fit Sid
PO Box 42060
Phoenix, AZ 85080
❤ Never be afraid to ever send me a message! I love hearing from you guys!