It's up to you to discover for yourself just WHAT those elite really are - it took me 2 yrs to discover those facts. The truth IS out there, and it goes a long long way back in history. Legends and myths or indeed OLD MUSTY BOOKS aren't always the fiction they're made out to be, much has been changed or hidden... take my word for it! (see my playlists)
***The only REAL barrier to truth - is the assumption that we already have it!*** Chuck Missler ***

For the supreme love that God the Father has for us was demonstrated in the sacrifice on our behalf, of His only Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, can also be seen in His determination to let us, to let all His creatures, choose whether or not we wish to follow Him of our own free will. Although God loves all His creatures with a perfect love, He does not force any of them to love Him back. When history finally comes to an end, the only creatures, men and angels, who will be with Him forever are those ....... who have CHOSEN IT.