Welcome to ThriftStore Hacker. A show dedicated to re-using old, free, or cheap "junk". All kinds of fun projects done on a budget. Ebikes, Gas Engine, Science, History, and other random fun.
2 videos
DIY Bike Trailer from the junk pile
ThriftStore Hacker
8 videos
Cheapest ebike kit on Amazon.
9 videos
Recumbent Trike Build
4 videos
18650 pack stuff
Sit down escooter
17 videos
Beach cruiser ebike project
3 videos
26cc 4 stroke engine running on water and a little fail.
6 videos
Long range electric trike build.
158 videos
Everything on the channel, binge watch.
Solar phone charger on steroids.
Gas bike videos
Electric trike build for instructables contest
7 videos
Friction Drive Electric Bike