Hi my name is Danny and this is my channel about restoring and customizing diecast toy cars.Any inquiries send me an email diecastdisastersnz@gmailWant to send cars to the channel?Diecast DisastersP.O.Box 162Kaiapoi 7644New Zealand
88 videos
Hot Wheels Customs
Danny's Diecast Disasters
110 videos
Matchbox Restorations And Customs
30 videos
Diecast Dioramas
33 videos
TV and Movie Cars
4 videos
Tomica Restorations And Customs
34 videos
Post Apocalyptic Custom Builds
25 videos
Custom Diecast Trucks
2 videos
Dinky Restorations
27 videos
Corgi & Husky Restorations
9 videos
Majorette Restorations
11 videos
Diecast Custom Pickup Trucks
Diecast Custom Campers
Playart Restorations
10 videos
Ertl Restorations