You can now join me here on my personal YouTube page for all new SAIGON music releases, films, or anything related to Saigon The Yardfather and Point Blank Media Group!
Point Blank Media Group:
Point Blank Media Group is a new age, digital hip hop label formed by rapper/actor, Saigon and leading global digital media holding company, HipHopMyWay, LLC.
Point Blank Media Group (P.B.M.G.) is focused on tearing down the walls that serve as hurdles to the discovery and distribution of new talent. P.B.M.G. will leverage the evolving world of digital media and its natural synergies with content creation, discovery and sharing. By keeping the music close to the audience, Saigon hopes P.B.M.G. will create a new template in the music industry.
Shared 55 years ago
Shared 55 years ago
Shared 55 years ago