I am a YTPer who started making YTPs on WMM out of boredom to only more recently actually putting any effort into them. If you're into dirty, sentence-mix heavy YTPs with a mix of some really cheesy puns, you're in the right place.


Hey guys, airshots22 here. I know it's only been about a month since my last upload and it hasn't been that long of a gap, but still feel the need to make an announcement. Ever since I made the sequel to my Canadian Politics YTP, I've felt a strong lack of motivation. It was a rewarding video for me personally. Not only to make a sequel that's on par with the first one, but to create something that's possibly one of my favorite YTPs I've made to date. You'd think the lack of motivation would start with that, but there's another reason.

2024 has been an absolute dumpster fire of a year for me. Not for any personal reason other than the fact that all the negativity lingering in the air is affecting me in some way and has made me feel jaded and just very bitter and edgy. And I'm not American, so this doesn't have much to do with the 2024 election as I don't have as much of a stake in it as others. Unfortunately, the tedious leadership going on in my country has added to my mood among other things. The state of politics isn't better here, that's all I'll say on the matter.

I know I recently made the switch to political YTPs and while it's been fun, it's been a bit of a hassle lately. Just to open Vegas and try to make the magic happen when I'm already very fatigued on a political level is a damning task. Especially with everything that's going on right now with the attempted assassination on Trump and Biden dropping out today. It can not only be emotionally taxing at times, but it can also be very hard to release them in a timely matter due to the volatile nature of the landscape. I'm not going to stop making them or anything cause I still enjoy it. In fact, I plan to release a YTP of Biden as a farewell special of sorts, but I've decided that I'll make these videos at my own pace. Also, the Biden/Trump debate YTP is likely not happening due to the irrelevancy of the source material and the lack of progress that was made with it. Now that I've tried my hand in the genre, I really have to give mad props to content creators like very tall bart as he makes it look easy.

So basically, the point of this announcement is that YTPs are going to take a backseat for the near foreseeable future. I'm 27 and I will be turning 30 in a couple years. Yet, I don't have anything close to the life I want. I have a lot of things holding me back and it may be time to consider that these videos could be holding me back to the life I want. Maybe it's about time to focus on me. Especially when as far as creative work goes, I'm working on my first novel and that is something that I've been focusing on more than YTP lately.

This isn't anything close to retirement or even something that's set in stone yet. I just want to throw this out in the air just in case you see an absence from me that lasts longer than 4-5 months. I've been making these videos ever since I was 14 and I feel like having this channel be my main focus is becoming less viable. Especially when I have no intentions of monetizing anything.

So, that's pretty much it. This probably won't happen overnight. It won't be tomorrow and it may not even be next year. It might be a more gradual process. I just thought I'd be transparent about it instead of leaving all of you in the dark.

That is all. Take care of yourselves, everyone. These are crazy times we are in.

5 months ago | [YT] | 15


👀You won't believe your eyes when you see this next YTP! 👀

I've rarely done sequels due to the past mindset of it having to live up to the first one, but a sequel to this was inevitable.

I can't guarantee that it will be better, but it will be more chaotic, more spicy and more personal than the first one.

Coming sooner than you think.

8 months ago | [YT] | 8


Guess who reached 2K? This guy! 😎

But seriously, thanks so much for the subs. It took the power of Flex Caulk to get me there, but it made my sub count rise like Phil Swift's caulk. ;)

Thanks to everyone who subbed to me in the past 13 years I've been doing this.

9 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 26


Hey, so I had a community post to make, but it ended up being too long to post. It's a bit of a long read, but if you have a minute and want to know the future of my channel, here's the link:


10 months ago | [YT] | 7


Peter Griffin has taken over! Freakin' Sweet!

2 years ago | [YT] | 11


So, August 15th will be my 10th anniversary of this channel and also my YTPer-versary. I had a 10 year special in mind which is still in the works, but my desktop that the project is on is being an ass, so it is most likely going to be delayed since the last thing I want to do is rush it. Might still upload something in the meantime, but either way if you're reading this thanks for supporting the channel in all the ways that you have.

My 14 year old self wouldn't have even expected to be still making these dumb videos a decade from now, nor would I have expected to gain a decent following to the point where I'd get recognition from the people I admired back then. Here's to another potential 10 years? ;)

3 years ago | [YT] | 13