About TheGamingGoose

Eric Savon (aka TheGamingGoose or just plain 'ol Goose) creates reviews, skits, commentaries, and useless videos for the most part. On this channel you will see reviews such as my Spider-Man Web of Shadows review and my Plants Vs. Zombies Review. I also create tips videos for retro games such as Mike Tyson's Punch Out for the NES. I once commented on Tropes Vs. Women in gaming with my response to Anita Sarkeesian - on no, I said her name. She who should not be named!

Please remember to watch, like, subscribe, favorite. You will be my friend forever. I know it seems silly to write it here, but

YouTube tells me I have to write that here all the time or you won't do it. Damn you YouTube.

I put everything in nice Playlists for you, so check those out.


Shared 4 years ago