I help NICE GUYS become CONFIDENT MEN that women love.

1000+ Men in 12 years - Let's talk

Dominik van Awe

I used to try so hard. I’d always be the first to text her, make myself available anytime she needed something, and go out of my way to keep the conversation alive.

I thought if I just showed her how much I cared, she’d see how good I was for her.

But it felt like the harder I tried, the less she seemed to care.

Every time I sent a message and saw it was read but not answered—or worse, ignored entirely—it stung.

I’d sit there, wondering what I did wrong.
Was I too forward? Not forward enough? Should I say something else to get her attention?

The truth? I was trying to force something that wasn’t there.

I didn’t realize it at the time, but my energy was giving off something I never intended: desperation.

It wasn’t about the words I was sending. It was about the unspoken message underneath every text:

Please respond. Please like me. Please validate me.

Desperation is tricky. It sneaks into every interaction in ways you don’t notice:
• Sending too many messages because you’re afraid of silence.
• Agreeing with everything she says because you don’t want to upset her.
• Overthinking your responses as if the “perfect” text will make her feel something different.

Here’s what I eventually realized: none of that works.

You can’t convince someone to like you by trying harder. In fact, the harder you try, the less attractive you become.

The breakthrough came when I finally stopped asking, What does she want from me? and started asking, What do I want for myself?

That’s when everything changed.

I stopped needing her reply to feel okay about myself.
I stopped overthinking every message.
I stopped chasing the idea of her and started focusing on what felt good for me.

Here’s what happened:
• I let go of the fear of rejection. That fear wasn’t protecting me; it was keeping me stuck.
• I realized my worth doesn’t depend on someone else’s attention. It’s something I define for myself.
• I started texting only when I truly wanted to, not because I was afraid of losing her.

And here’s the crazy part—when I stopped trying so hard, the dynamic shifted. Women started reaching out to me. The conversations felt lighter, easier, more natural.

The thing is, when you stop chasing, you create space for someone to meet you halfway.

The hardest part was accepting this: I didn’t need her to reply to prove my worth. And the moment I let go of needing her validation, I finally felt free.

If this sounds familiar, ask yourself: Am I texting her because I genuinely want to, or because I’m afraid of what her silence means about me?

The shift doesn’t take as long as you think.
It starts when you realize this: you don’t need her reply to feel whole.

You’re already enough.

2 weeks ago | [YT] | 6

Dominik van Awe

Why you need to FAKE IT 'TIL YOU MAKE IT
(especially with confidence or women)...

Don‘t get me wrong. Honesty and authenticity are important, But…

You are probably not being FULLY honest to her
and to yourself, when you want to find a girlfriend

„If I don’t have a good and honest compliment to give, I better not say anything at all.“.
Or „I don’t feel like talking to her right now!“ (a.k.a. „I‘m so busy“)

Sound familiar?

Many men want to be fully authentic and empathetic and true to themselves.

Thats in general a good trait, but how come your „honest“ self always shows up, when theres a woman you like?

How come your „honest“ self never shows up, when the stakes are low?
Like when a bum asks you for some change, and you say you have none, even though you feel the coins in your pocket.

How come your „honest“ self never shows up, when you’ve been asked, how you are doing?
Then its always ‚great‘ and ‚nothing to complain about‘.

Faking it on a mindset level helps you, to get into the state, you want to be.

Fake that you are already happy, social, attractive and so on and you will be perceived like this.

Fake FEELING confident. Not appearing confident.
Fake FEELING happy and abundant. Not pretending that you are.
Fake the Feeling and you will get the feeling.
And the Feeling will attract the life you want.

5 months ago | [YT] | 0

Dominik van Awe

Don’t walk into THIS TRAP!

If you see a woman who is always critical and never supportive


You won't build a happy life together.

What you'll get is diminished self-esteem and perpetual dissatisfaction.

The right woman does not tear you down.

She supports your dreams appreciates your efforts and encourages you to be the best version of yourself.

Do you agree?

5 months ago | [YT] | 3

Dominik van Awe

3 dating mistakes men make.

01 / Assuming women will approach you first.
"She’ll come over if she’s interested!"

Sounds familiar? Many men think this way.
But waiting passively rarely leads to meaningful connections.

Take the initiative and start a conversation.

02 / Relying solely on physical appearance.
"She'll like me because I look good!""

Looks can catch attention but they don't sustain interest.

Develop your conversation skills and emotional intelligence.

03 / Thinking compliments are enough.
"I gave her a compliment, she should be interested!"

Compliments are nice but genuine interest and engaging conversations are what truly attract women.

Focus on active listening and asking thoughtful questions.

Make mistakes. Learn. Improve.

That's the journey to better relationships.

6 months ago | [YT] | 6

Dominik van Awe

Ever wondered why women seem to leave a GOOD MAN, even though he does everything right?

Even though they fit so well together?

This video is for you then:

7 months ago | [YT] | 1

Dominik van Awe

Why can’t you find a girlfriend?

1- You’re not looking at the right place.

You’ve spent weeks on dating apps.

But have you tried the park, the gym, a café?

2- You’re asking the wrong person.

You asked your friends and family…

… who are either single or met in their friends circle.

Have you checked if their opinions are valid?

3- You’re not ready to hear the answer.

Sometimes, you already know the answer all along.

But are you ready to hear it?

Are you ready to take the action?

Look inside yourself.

Finding a girlfriend is and was possible, all this time.

The question is,

Are you ready to be brave enough to do it?

New Video dropping later.

8 months ago | [YT] | 7

Dominik van Awe

🐙 Had a FIGHT with YouTube this morning. 🐙
Fists were thrown, punches were placed below the belt and in the end only one winner emerged.

YouTube, of course :D

YT didn't accept my license for the background music in my video yesterday, so I needed to re-upload it without your beloved Retrowave.

I know, I know... the barely audible 80s nostalgia in the background really puts you in the mood.
But lets see if we can manage to focus on the message of the video without it, this time...

The message of:
You are awesome. Let's show the world how great you are and make the girls go crazy for you 💪

Have a great one!
And see you next on sunday


8 months ago | [YT] | 3

Dominik van Awe

11 months ago | [YT] | 3

Dominik van Awe

What are the odds??!

I make one video about Barbara Streisand and mention briefly Charlie Chaplin in it..
And then I find this in my newsfeed. 😄🤯

Check the video here and tell me, I‘m crazy
How to Stop Being Ignored as a Quiet Person (Works everytime!)

1 year ago | [YT] | 0

Dominik van Awe

Too many people feel judged by others and therefore constantly overthink.

In this post you’re gonna see How YOU can stop this constant overthinking, why overthinking is ruining your life

and how ignoring this problem can cause extreme stress, unhappiness, and even hurt your relationships, health and job chances.

At certain points in life we wanted or needed to really deliver.
Make the next move count, show really what we are made off.

And then only to be totally wrecked by the disappointment.
Even though we are prepared and even though it is not the first time we do it.

Imagine you are at a party and tell someone a joke...
You see that they are not responding as you wished and so your mind goes to panic mode:

“Did he understand that I tried to make a joke or was I rude? Should I clarify the situation or would that make me look weird and insecure? And would that insult him?
Ahh… I shouldn’t have said anything in the first place.
The next time I won’t make a comment in the first place and be quiet….
But then people will think that I am not fun to be around with and that I’m weird…”

(The huge block of text was on purpose...because thats overthinking.)

But how can we stop this spiraling downward?

Just stop!

And I know what you think

“Thats too easy. I tried to stop my overthinking once and it did not last, it always comes back, so thats a stupid advice.”

I’m with you.

Doing it sporadically will not work.

Instead you have you make your overthinking conscious.

And how to do that, so you get the upper hand and win your constant fight in your head...

👉👉 Click here: https://youtu.be/E4gEOfYl-wA

There you also get the other 2 way to stop constant #overthinking

1 year ago | [YT] | 3