I created my overwatch project www.overwatchproject.com/ to share my thoughts, research, and deductions about the true nature of our reality. I am not religious; I am not an Atheist, I seek knowledge so I guess you can call me a Gnostic. I base my conclusions about reality on the totality of information I have studied from diverse sources guided by my intuition. You can find the source material listed on my site overwatchproject.com I try my best to have an open but critical mind.
Some of the topics I cover:
#Consciousness #Philosophy #Gnostic #Gnosticism #Freedom #Decentralization #Individualism #AnCap ( AKA #AnarchoCapitalism ) #EscapeTheMatrix #ReincarnationTrap #SoulFarm #LooshFarm #NDE #OBE #UFOs #Anon #Anonymous #FilmNoir #Noir #NeoNoir #Gaming #h4ck1n6 #SciFi #ScienceFiction #Comics #Technology #Linux #System76 #Science #Magick #HackersNews #Hacking
h4ck1n6 7h3 un1v3r53
I no longer upload to youtube go to www.overwatchproject.com/ for my new content.