In the sky of enterainment,Wings fly to new heights with dreams.
SMG尚世五岸梦想剧场是于上海尚世影业有限公司、上海五岸传播有限公司旗下的官方YouTube频道,尚世五岸是上海文化广播影视集团有限公司(SMG)影视投资制作和版权内容运营的唯一主体。 本频道将致力为大家提供海量优质影视剧。坚持现实关注、价值引领、文化担当、匠心创作、国际视野的创作理念。
SMG Pictures & Wings Media Dream Theatre is the official YouTube channel of SMG Pictures and WingsMedia. SMG Pictures & Wings Media is also the only exclusive entity on drama production and copyright operation of Shanghai Media Group (SMG). This channel will strive to provide you with a huge number of high-quality films and dramas. All of our contents are trying to focus on the reality, guide positive values and deliver proper culture. Together we will see the world with an international vision.