Vishwaraj Hospital is committed to provide ‘Excellent and High-Quality HealthCare at Affordable Cost’. Vishwaraj Hospital is in a constant endeavor to make a difference in the healthcare system being offered in India.
Quality healthcare in India is inaccessible to a large section of the society due to high costs and limited geographical outreach of medical expertise.
In this journey, Vishwaraj Hospital will ensure that the set systems and processes to provide quality healthcare, work with ever-evolving efficiency and effectiveness through constant monitoring
Vishwaraj Hospital is a 300 bedded tertiary care center. It is equipped with 10 world-class operation theaters and an ultra-modern Cath Lab, state of the art 65 bedded Critical Care Unit that includes the ICU, PICU, and NICU with 24-hour coverage of highly trained and experienced Intensivists.
Continuing MIT Groups’ 40 years of legacy, Vishwaraj provides Excellent and High-Quality HealthCare at Affordable Cost