Coming up on this about page: Learn about a fever dream I had! But first, a message from our creator:

I do my best to make Operator a full time job, but there is no way the fact that animation cost money because it takes a huge amount of time and labor. If you don't have a few dollars to spare, no worries, but if you do and want to help support the production of more Operator you can on our Patreon Page:

And now for the fever dream.

"Last night I had a hallucination that I was a giant balloon with ribs. I felt my sinuous tendons stretching out along the rubber, growing taught as I inhaled and then loose as I exhaled. My bloody skinless flesh and bone extending out from the bottom of the balloon, attached to it like a fungus. The parasite attached to host source of oxygen." - Sam Barnett, infected with swine flu.

Sam Barnett is a writer and director, mostly of animation but sometimes also of live action, living and working in Los Angeles.