I am an ex-pro musician and composer and arranger who went into IT and now retired I have gone back to Music. I thought that it would be nice to share some backing tracks that I have made. I first started doing backing tracks about 20 years ago for a band I was in. I hope to bring variety to my channel from pop, jazz, musicals and classical Music. I am also a developer and have developed a backing track manager and player that is feature rich called Replay and supporters of my Channel get to have it. (Written by a musician for a musician). It currently is for Windows Only but my goal is for the channel to be supported enough that I can continue to create backing tracks and further develop my software for you Mac and Ipad users. (Unfortunately I don't have the funds for a Mac or Ipad at the moment). It takes an incredible amount of energy to keep this channel alive so please enjoy and let me know how I can improve and I will do my best.
Shared 55 years ago
Shared 55 years ago
Shared 55 years ago
Shared 55 years ago