GRAVEMIND's purpose is to educate, motivate & encourage.
This channel is dedicated to the underdogs.
Stay the course, everybody. Believe in yourselves as much as I believe in you.
All edits by Gravemind.
Every video is created from scratch, featuring different forms of media (transformative) to transmit knowledge.
In case you wondered, a new channel is rising: @IHOPEYOULIVE
It was created in december 2024
Two new videos are already online and a third video is in the making.
A lot of messages reached me regarding the state of Gravemind.
But... it's different.
I've been doing this for a long time and I really needed to finally break the pattern.
There willl be less videos, but the quality will be superior.
The content is mixed media, so less anime.
It resembles the old Catharsis style tapes.
This new endeavour demands more of me than Gravemind ever did,
but the passion returned.
And being backed by the amazing brotherhood of supporters,
the awesome artists being featured within the videos and the community as a whole,
I'm really looking forward to this!
But... better see it for yourself.
Regarding the question if there will be new uploads here on this channel (Gravemind) as well:
I don't know yet. Maybe in time. But for now, I'll let it rest as an archive.
Stay the course, my friends.
But break the pattern, whenever it's necessary.
I hope you live.
1 week ago | [YT] | 329
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New video is done
and this one took a lot of work.
It'll be released on Patreon this week.
It will hit rumble and YouTube as well, of course, just not right away, because I've to figure a few things out.
If it's still not online next thursday, have a look at @IHOPEYOULIVE
Chances are that this might become the next step, a new port to arrive at when you need to be reminded of your own strength and power.
Stay the course, everybody. YOU got this.
Thanks to everybody who's ever supported this channel in any way. Your messages during the last weeks moved me to a point where I didn't know I could go. If it wasn't for your words and support I would've finally given up this time.
Been working on this project for ten years now and the only reason this was possible at all was your support, so... I owe you another round. Once more into the fray.
Wherever you're in life, I hope you live.
1 month ago | [YT] | 624
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Coming soon.
I will create a huge post on Patreon this week, regarding Gravemind, this channel, rumble, YT, the last couple of months and everything new, because a lot has happened and YT does its thing again.
I will give a short statement on top, what this @IHOPEYOULIVE channel is all about.
Tiny spoiler: It'll start this week and it'll be solely focused on shorts, at least for the moment.
Stay the course, everybody.
YOU got this.
2 months ago | [YT] | 269
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I'm working on the next video and a small quote being featured in it send shivers down my spine, just a few minutes ago. I want to share this one with you today.
'The world does not do it to us.
We do it to ourselves.'
Pretty simple, yet powerful.
It's still Nathaniel Branden's 'Six Pillars Of Self Esteem'. I read this book years ago, but reading it for a 2nd time, I feel like different passages stick with me. Always worth reading a book twice with a decade in between. Thought the same when I read 'The Lord Of The Rings' a few months ago and found a new favorite quote from that book as well. But I'll share that one another day.
Stay the course, my friend.
I know YOU got this.
P.S. Next week's video has some crucial insights. At least for me, those are worthy of countless repetitions.
5 months ago | [YT] | 678
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Comic & manga enthusiast?
Before we dive into a new video tomorrow, something different for today.
There's a new channel around the corner, which will launch within the next weeks
and I wanted to invite everybody who's into comic books and manga to check it out,
subscribe if you do enjoy the content and discuss in the comments about the series and what they mean to you.
Channel: Cosmic Comic Corner @cosmiccomiccorner
This has basically nothing to do with Gravemind and won't be mentioned within the videos.
But I felt this urge for awhile now, to create something like this.
I love fictional stories.
Always have. Always will.
Fictional stories have a role to play in our lives.
Always have. Always will.
It's focused on comic books & manga, BUT
there will also be videos focused on several (related) topics.
There's no video online yet, but the first few videos are already finished
and will be uploaded soon.
I would love to read your opinions on the featured series over there.
So, long story short: If you're interested, check it out.
If not, no hard feelings... NEW GM video tomorrow!
--- >And this one
will pave the road
to a higher level of
self esteem. <---
Stay the course, everybody.
See you tomorrow.
5 months ago | [YT] | 305
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Sometimes I can't even cope with your comments. I'm so humbled by your words that I just sit here and simply exist for a few moments, thinking about what you shared with me. I'm overwhelmed by it, to be honest. And I... I feel like I'm undeserving of this praise.
A topic the next video will discuss as well. Self worth, you know.
But... anyway... I really just wanted to say thank you. Thank you everybody who's ever written to me - about your successes, struggles, losses and comebacks.
If these videos played a tiny part in helping you make a realization or remind you of what you already knew deep down inside, I succeeded at what I wanted to achieve.
Even if it was just entertainment for your cardio session, it means something.
Words can make a difference,
so use them wisely out there.
Know that YOUR words might've encouraged me on my own journey, so please...
never stop sharing your thoughts with the world. You might safe some strugglers out there.
See you thursday, everybody.
Stay the course.
6 months ago | [YT] | 1,625
View 168 replies
Regarding 'THAT' sign.
I received countless comments asking why that sign is being implemented in the videos now and I already put out a statement on Patreon and answered a lot of comments directly. So... here we go again, I guess.
First of all: This is NOT a witch sign.
In fact it doesn't even come close to one, at least in my book.
Though I might have a vague notion where this comes from and I realize that pop cultural movies and media in general mixed these things up quite a bit in recent time and might make you think something like that.
This symbol is basically a rune I put some though into for awhile.
I call it gravemind rune but you can call it whatever you like - and you can see in it whatever you like.
I regard it as a symbol of hope. A sign of protection and a compass providing YOU with direction (which may differ for everyone, of course).
- The basic runes in the middle symbolize a G & M rune - obviously GraveMind.
And this does not focus on the channel's name only (of course, it reflects it) but it's also about the word itself and it's meaning (which again may differ for each and every single one of you/us).
- Yes, there's the brand of sacrifice from Berserk at the top, because that manga means a lot to me. It came at the right time of my life and taught me a lot about myself... or... even more made me understand a lot about myself. I won't touch details too much but I suppose that everyone who's read the manga might relate quite a bit to the struggles and hardships Guts has to endure during his journey.
- Obviously there's a compass implemented within this sign as well - to be able to find one's own way/direction.
- There are runes for STC being embedded as well - reflecting 'STAY THE COURSE'.
It's not only a quote on this channel, but also something that works well with a compass...
On top of that there are planets on the outside, which adds to its context even more,
just like the core itself and circles bringing in a slight touch of astrology.
- To those being aware of old language/scriptures/runes, it's obvious that there's a futhorc rune called 'Ingwaz', 'Inguz', which basically ressembles 'fertility' and symbolizes a man and a woman and a safe space between the two of them. This one's harder to explain - and yet again, might differ for everyone of you.
What it means to me is that man and woman, both find their safe space within themselves while at the same time being able to find it in one another IF they align their compasses according to their goals.
At the same time (rune is at the bottom), it symbolizes how thought provides you with fertility in all aspects of life - pretty much a basic principle (bottom - earth - fertility).
The right thoughts in your mind, guided by YOUR compass, will unevitably provide fertility - no matter the direction. Or as others have put it before: 'Thoughts become things' or even 'You reap what you sow' - both, men and women. And the duality those two symbolize in all things.
- There's also an arrow at the top, above the brand of sacrifice which reflects the direction one should head towards when in doubt - which is basically up, because... when you think about it, we're all getting back up at first when we fell down. So, 'up' is always the first thought. On top of that I want to put some lyrics I once heard in a song: 'When you're born in the dirt the only way to grow is up.' Something like that.
Ultimately I want you to realize that this symbol could mean something entirely different for you.
I don't believe in 'one fits all'. I believe in individuality.
But to break it down simply, it could just mean this:
'Get back up.
Follow your heart, against all odds within this universe
and stay the course.'
It may be seen as a rune of protection as it is meant that way.
I hope that this clarifies what this sign means.
Like I said in the beginning, I put a lot of thought into it
and I was happy enough to have an artist friend who put this to life for me,
exactly as I envisioned it. Thank you, again! 🙏
Yours truly.
7 months ago | [YT] | 571
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Just recieved a BTC tip the other day.
Thank you, unknown friend. 🙏
I'm really curious about the attitude towards cryptpcurrencies in general (within this community), as it is something I find very interesting (as someone who's got a small background in coding - even though I know nothing really). I don't want to make this about finances though, just pretty interested in tech and people's attitude towards it.
And thank you everyone, who's been here for awhile, supporting the channel via Patreon, checking the merch shop or just sharing your stories and hardships. Your words mean the world - not just to me, but to everyone who can relate and currently faces struggle.
This channel is not a business, it's about giving out reminders and make you aware of the power you've got inside of you. That being said, your support is really appreciated, more than you might realize. Everytime I get a notification like that (a few days ago), I just sit there for a couple of minutes and process that these videos I put out there do something good, even though this channel has been in a heavy decline for two years (and maybe, that's a good thing?). Anyway, that's everything I ever wanted. Doing something good. Lending a hand, where it is possible. Not just online but irl as well.
But... too many words already and before I sound pathetic, I'll just inform you that the next couple of videos are already in the making.
Stay the course, everybody.
I truly believe in you, but that's worth nothing, if you don't believe in yourself.
So... listen to your inner voice and become one with yourself. And then... get out there and achieve what it is that you chase.
Cheer up!
I hope you live.
7 months ago | [YT] | 534
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Since we had three videos in a row, reprising classic DB content, it's time to get back to mind-focused content with the next one. I already began working on it and I think it's a lesson we all know, but tend to forget to implement it in our daily lives (at least from time to time).
Stay the course, everybody. YOU got this.
9 months ago | [YT] | 1,040
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To clear things up, regarding the latest video takedown:
- Reason for this was actually an automatic response by two big distributors (I know the artists and they've got nothing against their music being featured within these videos, BUT distributors seem to follow their own agenda again). However this is nothing personal.
- This channel is already on Rumble and X, as well as Soundcloud.
In case you need another bay, I'll put the links down here as well.
- The issue with rumble:
Their upload speed is slow. I can barely upload big videos there, that's why I only upload files which aren't that huge.
I might reconsider this. What I can say is that I'm back on uploading the latest videos to rumble RIGHT NOW.
- I haven't checked out the premium features of X yet,
but maybe this might be an additional platform to feed with videos and make sure they won't be blocked worldwide.
- Furthermore I'll put a big post up on Patreon this week. It's time for a big update.
Stay the course, everybody. YOU got this.
P.S. Thanks each and everyone of you for writing a few words every now and then.
They're more appreciated than you might realize.
10 months ago | [YT] | 597
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