DISCLAIMER: All audio and video are credited to their individual owners.
7/14/08 - Reached 150 Subscribers! Whoot! Thanks everyone for your support! Next goal: 200!
7/18/08 - Reached Lv80! At LAST!
10/4/08 - Reached 200 Subcribers! :D Wow guys, thanks so much! :P More awesome videos to come!
Anyhow, welcome to my channel. Not much to say, but I guess I have some info to put down so you people can stop asking me.
-Who I am: Raykur, Scanian 8x Crusader; KryptoStrike, Scanian 5x Cleric
-Where I live: Somewhere in the solar system. I think.
-What I do: Eat, sleep, breathe, etc.
-Email: kryptonicdeath@gmail.com
-My current editing program: Sony Vegas Platinum (I have used Adobe Premiere Elements and Windows Movie Maker for older videos)
-My hobbies: Dying for videos, CRogging (without actually hitting CRogs), goofing off, etc.
-Current Mission: I'll think about one.
-Age: Ancient.
-Oh, hm. We're done?
-That's all you need to know?
-*walks off*