CIFA is dedicated to the preservation of and access to Chinese independent film culture. It holds a large and rare collection of films and footage, their associated material culture, existing publications on Chinese independent cinema in both English and Chinese, and oral history material with a wide range of stakeholders. Through the curation of screenings, exhibitions and symposia, academic publications, creative productions and educational activities, CIFA aims to build bridges between academia, industry and the public, ensure the legacy of Chinese independent cinema, and contribute to its future development.
华语独立影像资料馆致力于收藏与传播华语独立影像文化。馆藏包括大量独立电影、影像素材、影展文献、中英文出版物、口述历史纪录以及其它相关资料。通过展映、展览、演讨会、学术出版、创作及教育活动,资料馆致力于搭建连接中西方学术界、电影业界及公众之间的桥梁,确保华语独立影像的文化传承,并为其持续发展尽一 份力量。