Kora is an artist project blending diverse sounds and stimulating textures, a place where organic elements and modern means collide. It is home to a traveller on a lengthy voyage - an expedition to inspire and connect with room for one more..
7 videos
Azimuth ° Est
47 videos
Kora - Full Discography
19 videos
Latest Releases
Released music
4 videos
Kora - Livestreams
-1 video
Kora & Wuachuma - Un Palmier Dans La Neige [Planète Piknic]
Ludovico Einaudi - Divenire (Reimagined by Mercan Dede & Kora, feat. Alp Akmaz)
3 videos
Kora - Tantale EP
5 videos
Azimuth ° Nord
14 videos
Latest Mixes
Kora 'Symbiose' [Extended Studio Mix]
Kora, Wuachuma - Alpha [Saisons]
2 videos
Kora - Journey to Tarab 2019 - Live Set
KORA | 45 mins at Piknic Électronik Montréal 2019
Kora, Wuachuma, Keli Amarai - Caroussel [Saisons]
Wuachuma - Beyond The Mountains & The Sea [Saisons]
Kora - Hydrant [Saisons]
Kora - Nous / Kanjira EP [Anjunadeep]
Hraach - Hidden Dimension (Kora Remix) [Official Video]
Kora - Caddo EP [Sol Selectas Records]
Kora - Fragile EP [Earthly Delights]
Kora - Kindisch Step VI