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4 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 125


Paget’s disease of bone, also known as osteitis deformans, occurs when new bone is generated faster than normal, resulting in the disorganized, weaker, and less compact bone, primarily the spine, pelvis, skull, femur, and tibia. It affects elderly, approximately 3% of individuals over the age of 40 years.

For those with symptoms, pain is generally the first thing they experience; bone weakness and fractures develop later. The symptoms and sequelae of Paget’s disease can be memorized with the mnemonic PANICS:



Nerve compression/Neural deafness

Increased bone density

Cardiac failure, and

Skull/Sclerotic vertebrae/Sarcomas (osteosarcomas)

10 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 73


Defining a woman seems to be getting more complicated nowadays. Some believe that a woman is just a “gender construct” and may be exempt from having female reproductive organs, but is it true scientifically? We have explained female reproductive system in two parts on our sister channel in case you’re not sure what a woman is:

11 months ago | [YT] | 49


“I want them to take away that we are experiencing an epidemic rise in youth use. We have never seen anything like this before—a doubling in use rates by kids in 12th grade. Clinicians have a unique role to play. In regard to adults, we recognize the harm-reduction potential of these products.

But we need to help adults understand that you only achieve harm reduction if you actually switch over from combustible cigarettes to e-cigarettes and vaping. We need to understand that these products are uniquely harmful to young people and can affect learning, attention, and memory. We don't want a new generation of young people to become addicted to nicotine.”

US Surgeon General Jerome Adams-from Medscape Interview “Vaping and e-Cigarettes in Kids: An Unprecedented Epidemic” (Januari 28, 2019)

1 year ago | [YT] | 103


The influenza viruses mutate or change at a very high rate. They evolve by two ways: drift and shift. Drift means that small changes or mutations happen to the virus gene, while the shift refers to sudden, major changes on the surface proteins of the flu viruses.

The evolution rate is unrivaled – up to 1 million faster than humans. Thus, flu vaccines need to be updated every year to match this creature's uncanny agility. Studies found that by interfering with activities of the host proteins called Chaperones, we can prevent the viruses from being resistant to the existing vaccines.

meme by:

1 year ago | [YT] | 186


September 26th marks a great breakthrough in the medical field. On this day almost a century ago, Alexander Fleming accidentally discovered mold that dissolved the bacteria specimen on a petri dish he left during holiday. By this discovery, the medical field was introduced to the era of antibiotics for the first time!

1 year ago | [YT] | 132


Why are doctors everywhere attracted to the heartbeat sound? Are they secretly trying to time travel? Separated studies done by Cornell University and Royal Holloway University found that the perception of time depends on signals sent to the brain.

One important signal for the brain comes from the heart in every single beat. So the longer the interval of our heartbeat, the slower our time perception. Conversely, a shorter interval makes us believe that the time passes faster.

Seems like a bit of Einstein’s time relativity is also applicable in the medical field!

1 year ago (edited) | [YT] | 157


You probably have heard about the discovery of the 3-inch wriggly jiggly roundworm living in the brain of an Australian woman that affected her overall health and made her forgetful. This is because our brain is the most crucial part of our nervous system which controls and navigates many functions in our body. I'm 100% honest, see for yourself here:

1 year ago | [YT] | 85


Hello, joyful members of FME!

I need you to be aware that your actions mean a lot. However small or you think it's insignificant, it never is. I, and the team, appreciate your sincere support for all these years and I'm sorry it took me so long to address you guys. So, let's get to know each other better from now on! We'd like to know your preferences, ideas, and concerns while we're working to redeem our long overdue mistakes and deliver the promises to our members (You).

Dropping a comment or just saying hi is a good start if you're reading this post. Thanks!

We have another helpful channel explaining basic science for you if you haven't subscribed yet ‪@FAEdu‬

1 year ago (edited) | [YT] | 62


One of Our Videos about to Pass 10 Million views

1 year ago | [YT] | 65