What do Japanese anime, a house music producer and a Swedish big band jazz ensemble have in common? If your answer is "not much", then chances are you have yet to discover the unique style and blend of anime soundtrack music interpreted with jazz sensibilities that is Platina Jazz!

Touring Japan in 2008, the Swedish house DJ, pianist and producer Rasmus Faber first spoke of his love for the musical complexity of anime soundtracks. So together with his management and music journalist Yuzuru Sato, the Platina Jazz project was founded and 6 studio and 2 live albums later, it’s enthralling audiences all over the world!

Platina Jazz

「日本語訳は英文の後に続きます」 It’s that time again! : ) A new video is up from our ‘Stockholm Trio Sessions’. We hope you enjoy ‘Undine’ (from Aria the animation) : ) Take care! /PJ

またこの季節がやってきた!: ) YTチャンネルに、「ストックホルム・トリオ・セッション」からの新しいビデオがアップされました。ウンディーネ」(アリア・ザ・アニメーションより)をお楽しみください。) お元気で!/PJ

1 year ago | [YT] | 184

Platina Jazz

Hey folks, we posted our first YouTube short! It's a tap dance version of Town with an Ocean view! Thank you to the creators of this video, the dancers Allie Piette (I.G @allie_piette77) and Gina Accordino (I.G @gkaccordino) and videography by videography (I.G @lizcarrolldesigns) youtube.com/shorts/bDEGpeTh2So?feature=share

2 years ago | [YT] | 137

Platina Jazz

「日本語訳は英文の後に続きます」Hi folks, thank you if you did the Facebook Group poll! However, we realised many of you do not use FB, so we have started the same poll here! (in the post below). So if you haven’t done the FB poll (or you really want to do it again), please let us know which songs you would like to hear on album 7. You can either vote on a song someone else has added (we added the top 5 songs from the FB poll to start things off), or add your own new song. Thank you again, we truly value your opinions. Take care. : ) PJ

僕たちのファンの多くがFacebookを利用していないこともあるので、YouTubeのコミュニティでも投票を受けつけようと思います。次の新しいアルバムでぜひ聴きたい曲を教えてください。前回同様、投票するのは他の人があげている曲でも、自分の思う新しい曲でも、どちらでも構いません。みんなの貴重な意見お待ちしてます。Take care! PJ

2 years ago | [YT] | 159

Platina Jazz

「日本語訳は英文の後に続きます」Poll time! We want to know which new anime songs you want to be included on our next studio album 'Anime Standards Volume 7'. That’s right 7! Please add your own song suggestions and from which anime (click add option) and /or add your vote to the selections already posted by other community members. We started things off with the top 5 songs from our Facebook Group poll. Thank you for taking part! : ) /PJ.

ニューアルバム「Anime Standards Volume 7」に収録されている新曲の中から、聴きたい曲を教えてください。 また、すでに掲載されている曲の中からおすすめの曲や、お気に入りの曲への投票もお願いします。日本語でも英語でも結構です。ありがとうございました。

2 years ago | [YT] | 136