`` Wowie!! What a long trip we've came upon so far!! Isn't this exciting?? :D ``

Hello!! My name is Jade and I'm a Roblox Livestreamer for Roblox myths and other fun games! I haven't posted videos that aren't shorts or Livestreams in quite a while- so,, planning on doing that sometime soon!! I do not like sharing personal information so please don't ask, thank you!

I have many friends but I'm an introvert at school! I'm not really as good at drawing but I'm still trying!!

I'm in a squad called the exe squad :D they are amazing people and I'm so glad I have them! (Jak,Sammy,Aoki and Me!) We are PROπŸ¦…πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜Ž

I have 4 siblings btw and I told you this because why not?? I'm also a roleplayer but I don't think im really good at it soo,, yaa,, but something to get to know me is that I LOVEEEEE PUGS AAGASAAAAAA FAV DOGS!! Anyways, thanks for reading!

(Memorial to my Grandma L, I'll forever miss and love her and I wish she was here today. I'm glad I had her in my life. Rest in peace Grandma L.)