My name is Jorge and I am an engineer and a sysadmin who drinks a lot of coffee. My videos are not to grab subscribers... just a visual log of some things I try, most related to LEGO MINDSTORMS but sometimes also Raspberry Pi, Arduino or just some electronic gadget or crazy science application.
Lately I've been focused in IoT and STEM projects using LEGO for teaching robotics, control and automation principles to young people (starting with my own kids who like to challenge). Please note that "focused" has a broad meaning... most of my projects are never completed as I get distracted too often with other ideas.
With COVID-19 and house being rebuilt I've also been using LEGO and as an escape, attempting some musical instruments, mainly MIDI but also some purely acoustic, inspired by the Toa Mata Band and the darn noise of my neighbors.
Some videos are also just the result of crazy ideas that occur to me while talking with other people, mainly from PLUG (Portuguese LEGO User Group).