Present For Myself

I'm Tiffaney Moore Borgelin, a Holistic Voice Coach and Certified Life Coach.

Here, I tap into 20+ years of coaching experience to share insights about radical self-care. This includes setting boundaries, self-love, self-confidence, avoiding toxic relationships, protecting your peace, recovering from codependency, mindfulness, giving from a full cup, forgiveness, and more.

Showing up for others starts with being present for yourself. Self-awareness, self-honesty, overcoming people-pleasing, and facing fear are required. It is ongoing and powerful work.

I am glad you are here. You are necessary. I’m rooting for you.

The content shared on this channel is for educational, informational, and entertainment purposes only. The content discussed does not constitute a professional or personal relationship between the host and the viewer. Furthermore, the information does not constitute professional advice, a consultation, or a coach-client relationship.