Our Vision is to see people legally able to keep small common wildlife as beloved pets... while also saving many of these wonderful little animals from early, premature deaths if returned to (or left in) the wild... We MUST remember that "Captivity" means being cared for and watched over by people it does NOT mean being kept in cages. "All Animals are Born Tame and made Wild by Mankind"... a truer statement has never been made. Animals that have never seen people have no fear of Us... they are not "born wild"... Any one that has ever been in a remote area / stretch of woods, etc will tell you animals that have never seen humans are not fearful... they are curious, and often approach people to find out "what we are"... In many situations small common wildlife animals would be much better off in captivity in loving pet homes, being care for and adored rather than ran over on roads, or shot for being "Nuisance Animals" !!