This channel serves to explore the Intelligent Design movement.
60 videos
12 videos
The Problems with Theistic Evolution
5 videos
REASONS Conversations on Science & Faith
15 videos
Phillip E. Johnson: Lectures and Talks
9 videos
Defending Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed
4 videos
Kitzmiller vs Dover Trial
William Dembski Q&A
3 videos
Darwin on Trial Lectures
25 videos
Phillip E. Johnson Q&A
Intelligent Design: Is It Viable?
The Edge of Evolution
Darwinism: Science or Philosophy?
2 videos
Stephen Hawking and God: A Response
Luncheon: Michael Behe and Fritz Schaefer
The Anthropic Principle
Argument For Design by Michael Behe
7 videos
Contemporary Physics and God
Irreducible Complexity: interview with Michael Behe
Our Privileged Planet - Guillermo Gonzalez
22 videos
Michael Behe Q&A
Defending 'Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed'
6 videos
Atheists for Intelligent Design
Darwin Myth, The
Darwin of the Gaps: Critiquing Francis Collins
Responding to Youtube Challenge
Darwin and Eugenics
Were the Nazis Evolutionists?: a debate
Sahotra Sahotra vs Paul Nelson: Evolution vs ID