PostScript - The Arlington Institute

We encourage systemic, non-linear approaches to planning and believe that effective thinking about the future is enhanced by applying newly emerging technology. Therefore, we strive to be agents of change by creating intellectual frameworks & tool-sets for understanding the transition in which we are living. The Arlington Institute believes that we are living in an era of global transition, to a degree that our species has never seen before. The exponential increase of human knowledge, and the acceleration of its application through technology, is propelling humanity towards a new era of thought and endeavor. Society, science, ecology and commerce are converging at the intersection of danger and opportunity. A complexity and unpredictability that is beyond our past experience characterize the challenges at hand. If humanity’s preferred future is to be realized, new tools for strategic planning and problem solving must be invented and combined. We must think differently ...

PostScript - The Arlington Institute

Dolly will be coming to present her incredible story for The Arlington Institute's Berkeley Springs Transition Talks Speaker Series with John L. Petersen on August 17th, Coolfont Resort
There will be a gourmet buffet dinner at Mary's Vegetarian Cafe LLC & Bistro after the event. This event will sell out so get your tickets for in person or live stream at
Be sure to see us on youtube and like, subscribe and share!

5 months ago | [YT] | 4

PostScript - The Arlington Institute

Nurse By Day, ET Spacecraft Pilot By Night
Symmetry: The Journey, A Presentation by Dolly Safran, Contactee
Saturday, August 17, 2024
Dolly Safran 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. ET
in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia

5 months ago | [YT] | 19

PostScript - The Arlington Institute

Dolly Safran joins us for our next Transition Talk in August.
I Lived Two Lives:Nurse By Day, ET Spacecraft Pilot By Night
August 17, 2024 Coolfont Resort Berkeley Springs WV
Hear Sally in this pre talk interview with John Petersen

5 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 1

PostScript - The Arlington Institute

Just a few more days until Berkeley Springs Transition Talks with Teri Cochrane. Come and learn how you can improve your health and combat illnesses with food and supplements. Interact with Teri about your specific illness or health issue. Join is in person or online. Tickets available at TRANSITIONTALKS.ORG. Live stream or live at the Coolfont Resort in Berkeley Springs, WV. You can also get your ticket at the door!

6 months ago | [YT] | 13

PostScript - The Arlington Institute

We very much appreciate your subscribing to The Arlington Institute's
channel here on YouTube. We're in the business of facilitating the
transition to a new world and produce a steady stream of content from
Gregg Braden, Penny Kelly, myself and many others -- all pointed toward
making sense of and preparing for the extraordinary change that is on
our near horizon.

As futurists, we're particularly interested featuring information that
provides "early warning" about emerging new ideas, approaches,
inventions and methodologies that will define the future that is fast
approaching. We're also most interested in providing our subscribers the
opportunity to become aware of these new possibilities before the
general public becomes aware of them. We'd like for you to have a head
start on this amazing new world that is heading this way and we do that
in a number of ways.

One of our programs -- TransitionTalks -- is a monthly speaker series
hosted here in Berkeley Springs, WV (and live streamed everywhere else)
that features extraordinary presenters who have something very special
to say about the new world that is emerging. Our next speaker, Teri
Cochrane, is a great example of someone who is clearly ahead of the pack
-- in this case in very successfully dealing with all kinds of illness
with only food and supplements.

Take a look at the description below and if you see that Teri's talk
might be helpful, you can join us here down the road from Washington and
Baltimore or online. You can find complete information at We'd love to have you.

Welcome aboard. Nice to have you here.

John L. Petersen, Founder and President

The Arlington Institute

6 months ago | [YT] | 110

PostScript - The Arlington Institute

We very much appreciate your subscribing to The Arlington Institute's
channel here on YouTube. We're in the business of facilitating the
transition to a new world and produce a steady stream of content from
Gregg Braden, Penny Kelly, myself and many others -- all pointed toward
making sense of and preparing for the extraordinary change that is on
our near horizon.

As futurists, we're particularly interested featuring information that
provides "early warning" about emerging new ideas, approaches,
inventions and methodologies that will define the future that is fast
approaching. We're also most interested in providing our subscribers the
opportunity to become aware of these new possibilities before the
general public becomes aware of them. We'd like for you to have a head
start on this amazing new world that is heading this way and we do that
in a number of ways.

One of our programs -- TransitionTalks -- is a monthly speaker series
hosted here in Berkeley Springs, WV (and live streamed everywhere else)
that features extraordinary presenters who have something very special
to say about the new world that is emerging. Our next speaker, Teri
Cochrane, is a great example of someone who is clearly ahead of the pack
-- in this case in very successfully dealing with all kinds of illness
with only food and supplements.

Take a look at the description below and if you see that Teri's talk
might be helpful, you can join us here down the road from Washington and
Baltimore or online. You can find complete information at We'd love to have you.

Welcome aboard. Nice to have you here.

John L. Petersen, Founder and President

The Arlington Institute

6 months ago | [YT] | 83

PostScript - The Arlington Institute

Headline: Breakthrough! Custom, Personal DNA-based Interventions For Almost Any Health Condition

Subhead: Diet and supplements alone successfully target every kind of issue

Do you, or someone you love have lingering health problems -- whether major or minor -- that do not respond to conventional approaches? These situations are very discouraging, to say the least. Many people spend a great deal of time and money looking everywhere they can for answers to no avail. Alternatives like medical intuitives are always an option but often one finds that being able to diagnosis a stubborn situation does not always equate to pinpointing the most effective solution for it.

But what if you marry a medical intuitive with the ability to do rapid, personal DNA-based analysis and a proven, professional background in being a nutritionist? Well, that's something else!

Essentially, you get a customized, personal, one-of-a-kind program -- for every client -- which, it turns out, has been proven to be widely and significantly effective.

That's what Teri Cochrane, our upcoming TransitionTalk speaker does. She builds diets and supplement plans for people with all kinds of health problems -- including things like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer and about anything else -- that really work.

Conventional approaches to healthcare are based on statistical studies -- large groups of people who reportedly respond positively (somewhat, at least), to the design of the study. It's all based on general, large groups of people -- not on your specific situation. The difference with Teri's approach is that each solution she proposes is literally derived from your personal DNA, so it is specific to you.

This is a really big idea that is a clear indicator of what the future is likely to be. Hippocrates is famous for having said, "Food is medicine". Teri Cochrane has uniquely built an international reputation on applying that dictum in very practical terms . . . and in the process helped thousands of people.

Come hear Teri Cochrane describe and demonstrate this extraordinary harbinger of the future that empowers individuals and clearly demonstrates that you have the capability to effectively address almost anything.


6 months ago | [YT] | 38