People seem perplexed by my channel, so I'm here to tell you that I'm just a dude with many interests. I don't have a specific focus to my channel because I use youtube the way it was initially intended to be used - before so many people realized they could shamelessly shill themselves out by simply making more and more filler videos on a single subject.

But I'm just sayin..

My claim to fame was a video of my roommate and I playing ping pong on our beer pong table at college at the University of North Carolina. While we found it funny, it sat there for 4 years with about 40 views until my-ex-girlfriend posted it on reddit. My favorite part about becoming a (very) mild celebrity is the comments people post about that video. I totally get it if you think it's fake, but I assure you it's not.. My voice is just always that monotone.

In 2018, I got my master's from NC State University and now work as an architect in Durham, NC. Hope you enjoy my random vids!

IG: @a_creativetype